Free Money Earnings Tracker

Total Free Money Earnings: £8,217

2024 Monthly Free Money Earnings

Earnings ReportFree Money EarningsAccumulative
January 2024£219£219
February 2024£210£429
March 2024£185£614
April 2024£298£912
May 2024£188£1,100
June 2024£65£1,165

2024 Free Money Earnings Objective: £1,500 (£125/month)

2024 Free Money Earnings by Source

SourceJanFebMarAprMayJunJul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total
Bank Rewards £23£16£16£18£18£18£109
Interest on Savings£5£8£12£10£12£16£63
Decluttering Sales£29£162£84£47£87£5£414
Promotions   £200  £200
Freebies   £23 £23
Total £219  £210£185  £298£188 £65         £1,165

2023 Monthly Free Money Earnings

Earnings ReportFree Money EarningsAccumulative
January 2023£124£124
February 2023£42£166
March 2023£146£312
April 2023£464£776
May 2023£211£987
June 2023£159£1,146
July 2023£77£1,223
August 2023£396£1,619
September 2023£71£1,690
October 2023£120£1,810
November 2023£62£1,872
December 2023£50£1,922

2023 Free Money Earnings Objective: £1,500 (£125/month)

2023 Free Money Earnings by Source

SourceJanFebMarAprMayJunJul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total
Bank Rewards £28£21£21£24£25£25£30£23£18£18£18£18£269
Interest on Savings£21£19£22£22£23£26£25£23£27£27£25£15£276
Decluttering Sales£48£43£21£23£26£19£10£190
Promotions    £125  £75£200
Total £124 £42 £146  £464£211  £159    £77   £396 £71 £120  £62 £50£1,922

2022 Free Money Earnings Tracker

2022 Monthly Free Money Earnings

Earnings ReportFree Money EarningsAccumulative
January 2022£132£132
February 2022£139£271
March 2022£100£371
April 2022£150£521
May 2022£399£920
June 2022£104£1,024
July 2022£58£1,082
August 2022£33£1,115
September 2022£256£1,371
October 2022£268£1,639
November 2022£234£1,873
December 2022£28£1,901

2022 Free Money Earnings Objective: £1,200 (£100/month)

2022 Monthly Free Money Earnings Bar Chart
2022 Accumulative Free Money Earnings Bar Chart

2022 Free Money Earnings by Source

SourceJanFebMarAprMayJunJul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total
Bank Rewards £21 £19£19£16£19£19£19£24£24£24£27£36£268
Decluttering Sales £62£22£74£2£36£8£232£71£191-£18£680
Cashback £49 £48 £7£7£14£77£39£9£12£16£10£288
Promotions    £125  £160£285
Freebies £50  £330 £380
Total £132£139£100 £150 £399  £104  £58 £33  £256  £268 £234£28£1,901
2022 Free Money Sources Bar Chart

2021 Free Money Earnings Tracker

2021 Monthly Free Money Earnings

Earnings ReportFree Money EarningsAccumulative
January 2021£102£102
February 2021£196£298
March 2021£248£546
April 2021£451£997
May 2021£61£1,058
June 2021£1,096£2,154
July 2021£104 £2,258
August 2021£147 £2,405
September 2021£47 £2,452
October 2021£512£2,964
November 2021£128£3,092
December 2021£137 £3,229

2021 Free Money Earnings Objective: £1,000 (£84/month)

2021 Monthly Free Money Earnings Bar Chart
2021 Accumulative Free Money Earnings Bar Chart

2021 Free Money Earnings by Source

SourceJanFebMarAprMayJunJul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total
Bank Rewards £15 £7 £10 £29 £19 £19 £21£15£7£18£16£16 £192
Interest on Savings   £15 £22 £9 £22 £10£45-£31£42£9£41 £184
Sales £87 £182 £223 £319 £28 £46 £71£12£65£153£100£66 £1,352
Cashback    £81  £82 £2£10£2£64£3£14 £258
Promotions     £5  £225 £230
Freebies  £7    £927 £65£4£10 £1,013
Total £102 £196 £248 £451 £61 £1,096 £104  £147  £47 £512 £128 £137  £3,229
2021 Free Money Sources Bar Chart

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