July 2021 Free Cash Earnings Report £104 Free Money

Bank Rewards & Interests: £21

• Barclays Blue Rewards: £8
• Co-op: £2
• RBS My Rewards: £3
• Santander Lite Bank Account: £8

Interests over Savings: £10

• Moneybox General Investment Account £1000 Emergency Fund: £10

Cashback: £2

• DHL Labels: £2

eBay & Facebook Sales: £71

• Wheelies: £7
• Bicycle: £50
• Magazine: £2
• Kids Scooter: £12

July Total: £104 (+£20 over monthly target);

£1,258 above year target.

Bank RewardsInterest on SavingsCashbackSalesTotal
MonthFree Cash Earnings+/- to Monthly Target (£84)Accumulativeto Year End Objective (£1,000)
July £104 +£20 £2,258 £1,258

Good month in July delivering £104 in Free Money, £20 above monthly target. I can now sit back and relax having completed my Free Money Set Up: Passive Income from Bank Rewards, £1,000 Emergency Fund producing positive interest, Cashback maturing and Sales from old eBay listings.

I am reshuffling my direct debits and as a result, a payment was not collected from my Natwest account. I ended up with no reward being paid. Not ideal but I can live with that. Another month of positive growth in my Moneybox GIA account. £10 in interest towards the Free Cash Pot from my £1,000 Emergency Fund.

I am collecting modest amounts of Cashback from Courier Services I use for my money on the side activities. I buy delivery labels online via Quidco. Even though I collect pennies from every label, they all add up and I am starting to gather the cashback payments now. £2 does not look like a fortune, but every little helps.

Finally, £71 from eBay & Facebook sales. My kids are growing up and they are leaving a trace of unwanted items behind them. I sold a pair of Wheelies for a £7 net profit and a scooter for £12. An unused mountain bike shifted on Facebook for a clean and round £50 profit. Another magazine sold added £2 to the Pot.

£2,258 Free Money so far. It is really good but it also means that I have five months left to try and find a way to produce £642 in Free Money. I am still up for a Challenge.

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