eBay Sales December 2021 – £66 Profit

This is a list of the items that I managed to get sold on eBay in December 2021.
Note: Net Profit is calculated by deducting postage costs (if applicable) and eBay fees off the final selling price.
Ceiling Lamp Net profit: £20

Car Magazine x2 Net profit: £4

Girls Sandals Net profit: £8

Bicycle Training Roller Net profit: £26

Kids Glasses Net profit: £8

I made £66 off six personal items sold on eBay in December 2021. £11 average profit rating my eBay hour at £44 (15 minutes spent per listing). In all fairness, excluding the two magazine sales coming from a template listing I set up three years ago, the true average would be £62/hour which is more within a proper valuation of my time and well inside my comfort zone.
It has taken a few months, but my last ceiling lamp eventually moved for a £20 profit. This item came from a renovation project I completed inside the house. I painted every room in the household myself during lockdown (I am so proud of my achievement by the way) and replaced all of the ceiling lamps and light spots. Quite a feat for my DIY skills, but I also have to admit that time was on my side. As regards to painting, practice definitely makes perfect. I had no excuse not to tackle to job and had some degree of motivation in the shape of strong pressure being applied to me by my lovely wife. Not really a choice in the end. Point is that I guess everyone is happy with the end result and we also saved a nice chunk in labour costs. Sorry I am digressing off topic ever so slightly. From a decluttering standpoint, I was left with a few ceiling lamps to spare. Nothing wrong with them functionally speaking but they matched someone else’s taste. The one that sold in December was the last one of the lot. The new owner was extremely pleased with the purchase and left good feedback as soon as received. Happy ending for us all.
Sales from the stack of brand new magazines keep ticking along. Two of them went in December. At the current rate, it will take another year before I run out of them. They are not requiring any attention from me other than sticking them into an envelope and dropping them on the letterbox. The listing is a standard one I do not need to update. Almost passive income. I wish all my listings were like that.
We bought a pair of sandals for our little girl just before lockdown. It does not come as a surprise that she never had an opportunity to wear them and when she tried them back on, they would not fit. Brand new pair with the price sticker still attached to the sole. They sold to a proud mum who was elated with the bargain she got for her daughter. She was also very complementary in her feedback comments. It feels good to do so much good for other people. Really rewarding. Particularly when you get paid for it. Anyway, an £8 free money profit would do me some good as well.
I bought a road bicycle for myself back in June last year. It came with a roller which at the time I thought I would give some use. Not really my thing after all since I most definitely prefer open roads. This is another item which took some months to sell. Being a heavy bulky piece of kit, I also offered collection in person as a delivery option. A friendly local collected it from my address saving me the hassle of packing and dispatching. It left behind £26 in profit and a smile on my face. Thanks ever so much.
Almost every year for the last five years, my little girl gets a new pair of glasses after her eye test. The old glasses are in perfect condition and it feels a shame just to dispose of them. I have ended up with four pairs so far. This is a hit and miss market that I have never tested. I reasoned that I can list the pairs for a few months and if they do not sell, I can always donate them. I was not getting any joy, until the first pair finally sold at the very end of the month delivering an £8 profit.
That’s it. I did not have time for more and I did not make any more sales in 2021. I have compiled them all in a nice spreadsheet to gather some kind of data and insights into my decluttering efforts. I will conduct a 2021 sales review in a future post. For the time being, and as a summary, I can confirm that I made £1,352 from the sale of 87 unwanted items I would otherwise had been happy to donate or throw away. Mind due, I do not class myself as a big spender or a particularly active consumer but I do very much love my cash for nothing. At an average of £15.50 per item of rubbish/nothingness, who can give more? Happy to listen to offers. My Cash4Nothing eBay Shop is a hot Free Money Earnings Ticket at the start of 2022. Watch closely.