eBay Sales November 2021 – £100 Profit

This is a list of the items that I managed to get sold on eBay in November 2021.
Note: Net Profit is calculated by deducting postage costs (if applicable) and eBay fees off the final selling price.
Broadband Router Net profit: £8

Mens Jacket Net profit: £21

Womens Sports Top Net profit: £6

Star Wars Watch Net profit: £10

Boys Boots Net profit: £11

BT Router Net profit: £25

Womens Running Shoes Net profit: £19

I sold seven personal items on eBay in November 2021 for a Total Net Profit of £100. Same number of sales as in October but lower value items this time round. Still a more than decent £14 profit on average per item placing a value of £56 for an hour of my time (15 minutes spent per listing).
I changed broadband suppliers back in September collecting free money as cashback in the process (see post A £110 Cashback Reward for my New Broadband Contract). As a result, my old router became redundant. A quick research on similar used models being sold on eBay showed a price mark of £10. It took approximately a month for the sale to materialize leaving £8 profit after fees.
A couple of years back, I bought two identical jackets for myself in different colours: one black and one red. For some reason, I ended up wearing the black one only. A sort of an impulsive buy really because the red jacket did not catch my fancy ever after and was using some valuable space in my wardrobe. A brand new garment extremely unlikely to be worn by me anymore. It had to go. Another quick sale at the right price for a £21 profit.
My little girl is not little anymore. She reluctantly volunteered a sports top she had grown out of. It found a new owner and left £6 for the Free Cash Pot. Same logic applied to my boy. Time flies and they grow incredibly fast. Clothes and footwear become dispensable in a period of months. It is a real shame, but on the other hand, it is nice to have an outlet for all these unwanted items that otherwise will more likely end up in a landfill or as charity donation lot. It is also a good feeling knowing that they are useful to someone else out there. In this sense, a kids watch and a pair of barely worn boots brought £10 and £11 into the free cash coffers.
The broadband switch nightmare is not coming to an end anytime soon. A filed a formal complaint which was unceremoniously ignored (hardly a surprise). The next step was to lodge a complaint with the Telecoms Ombudsman which was initially accepted. Not sure what I will get out of it or whether or not I am completely wasting my time. For me it is now a matter of principle. I will fully elaborate on this unfortunate episode once it finds closure. For the time being, a brand new router which had no use for me and I was never asked to return provided with a healthy £25 profit. No consolation for all the grief given to me, but somehow helpful.
My wife dropped an almost new pair of running shoes on my desk. Nothing wrong at all with them. She was just not sure she liked them anymore. She worn them twice and decided they were not for her. I guess I am not alone in the impulsive buys department. As new condition and I initially aimed for a higher price than they eventually sold for. Problem was they were just not shifting. I kept dropping the price until they went three months down the line providing with a £19 contribution into the pot.
£100 is a nice round number which brings the Sales Grand Total Profits to £1,286 sales since January 2021 (see Free Money Earnings Tracker). Considering that I aimed for £300, I managed 4 times that amount already. Extremely pleased with that figure. So far, I have made sales every single month of the year. Consistent and steady source of Free Money I will keep nurturing via my Cash4Nothing eBay Shop. One more month to go and December is always a promising month. I am always curious as to what will sell next.