My Path to making £1,500 Free Money in 2025 (plus £1,000 from Capital Gains)

2024 Free Money Journey Recap
I made nearly £3k in 2024 split up as £2,552 from Free Money Streams and £421 as gains from the Free Cash Fund. Plan last year was to make £1,500 so on the surface, it looks like I am growing my earnings as twice the speed. I wish it was the case but is not as straightforward as that I am afraid. For a detailed analysis of why this difference, please visit posts:
- This is how I made £2,552 from Free Money Streams in 2024 plus an additional £421 from Fund Gains
- My Plan & Objectives to make £1,500 Free Money in 2024
The Blog is expanding in size and alongside with it, the number of contributors bringing additional earnings into the Pots. Just for clarity purposes, let me enumerate them:
- Free Money coming as a direct result of my activities.
- Gains from having invested all my Free Money Earnings in the Free Cash Fund.
- Gains from the Stoozing Fund.
“£1,000 Passive Income just from Capital Gains”
So, if I have £10.5k in the Free Cash Fund and I am expecting for it to grow at a 5% per year, I will be £500 better-off by the end of 2025. A similar case with the Stoozing Fund, where I am using money from credit cards to snatch profits by having it deposited in savings accounts. At the time of writing these lines, I have £8k in the Stoozing Fund and my projection shows a £400 profit per year. In other words, I have nearly £20k invested delivering a £1k passive income. Remember: this money came from nowhere and I did not have to work for it. It got to a critical mass now where compound interest is working its magic. Profits will snowball from this moment but I am running off topic. More on this on a future post.
“£1,500 from Free Money Streams”
The task here is to plan exclusively for the first component of my earnings which is the one where I have a more ‘active’ involvement. Time now to elaborate on my objectives for the following 12 months. Let’s touch on every single Free Money Stream available to me to set a realistic Objective for 2025.
Bank Rewards Objective for 2025: £200
Cash rewards offered by banks in exchange of: a minimum deposit per month, a minimum number of direct debits, a minimum debit card expenditure or any combination of them.
I have five bank rewards accounts I collect perks from. I move around a set amount of money from one to the next every month. It is an automated process which works by means of a standing order loop. I lost Barclays Blue Rewards in 2024 but had the chance to opt back into a second Halifax Rewards Account. As it stands, my list is as follows:
- Santander Lite Bank Account: £3
- Halifax Reward Account 1: £5
- Halifax Reward Account 2: £5
- RBS My Rewards: £3
- Natwest My Rewards: £3
If nothing changes, £19/month x 12 months = £228. There is always the unexpected factor to consider leading me to not collecting the reward for a host of different reasons (direct debit not going through, debit card payments not made, etc.). There is also the off chance of a reward being discontinued at any time. For this reason, I will adhere to a round safe number of £200.
Interest on Savings Objective for 2025: £100
Any interest payments generated as a direct result of keeping money in a bank or savings account.
I got saved by the bell in 2024. I asked for £150 and it was not until the very last minute that I reached that number. I allocate a certain amount of my income towards saving but my take is always to have a savings goal in mind (ie: holidays, debt repayment, home improvement projects, etc.). That only means that I have no money (again) to start with in 2025 and I am pretty much skint. I do have a clear idea though as to how much and where I will be saving on a monthly basis in 2025. I am not going to be stretching myself because my personal goals have also evolved. I am aiming for £5-£10/month. In round numbers that is £100. No need to stress here.
Cashback Objective for 2025: £400
Money collected from Cashback Websites as a result of an online purchase. Cashback is a commission over a sale that gets reimbursed to the buyer.
I seem to be doing particularly well in this department. I made £985 in 2024 and £987 in 2023. I was asking for £350 so it is time to set the bar a little bit higher. I insist on the fact that all my cashback earnings need to come as a result of unavoidable or casual purchases like car insurance, online buys, holidays and the like. I will not be over spending with the intention of collecting additional cashback.
As explained in different posts in this Blog (see 8 Basic Free Money Streams you should know about), I am collecting cashback from my personal spending, insurance, switching utilities suppliers, opening accounts (ISAs) and using cashback credit cards. Historically, records show that I can gather £100 (at least) for each of them. £900 per year is neither sustainable nor realistic so I am comfortable assigning £400 as a SMART objective.
Bank Switch Promotions Objective for 2025: £200
Not strictly restricted to but mainly bank switch incentives and promotions. Banks will pay hard cash providing a new bank account is opened and a switch tool is used to close an old account in the process.
One bank switch promotion per year is my goal. Why? Because I carry some baggage since I have constrained myself by opening a significant number of bank accounts in the past to collect rewards. It also means that I need to wait for the right offer to come along. £200 is in alignment with the average promotion. I am sticking to this rule of thumb.
Decluttering Sales Objective for 2025: £500
This is Free Money coming from selling personal and household items I will no longer need. I am not buying stuff to resell for a profit. They have to come from a pool of redundant items that I once had a use for.
£611 from decluttering in 2024. That’s more like it because 2023 was a complete disaster with only £190. A £500 profit from selling my personal items is reasonable since I have been doing it for quite a few years now. I can experience a hiccup as in 2023 but I deem it as highly unlikely. Anyway, to make things more interesting, I have created a live page where I post all my sales and my earnings from selling my stuff. Please feel free to visit for the latest updates.
The £500 Decluttering Challenge for 2025
Freebies Objective for 2025: £100
This is unexpected Free Money coming my way from a variety of sources: from items donated that I can sell and cash out from, to a free bet at the bookies, a tax return, a test sample or money left and forgotten about at the bottom of a drawer.
£370 from Freebies in 2024 was just too good of a surprise, particularly when 2023 delivered nowt. I will be cautious and assign a £100 ask on the basis of the randomness inherent to this stream. Asking for more will not have a solid foundation.
2025 Free Money Objectives Summary:
£125 per month or £1,500 Total Free Money in 2025.
Free Money Streams: bank rewards, interests on savings, cashback, decluttering sales, bank switch promotions and freebies.
Free Money Objectives by Source:
- Banks rewards: £200.
- Interest on Savings: £100
- Cashback: £400.
- Promotions: £200
- Decluttering sales: £500.
- Freebies: £100.
Ok. This is the Plan and these are the Objectives. It is down to me to make it happen or,… maybe not so much considering that almost 50% of it is passive or semi-passive revenue. Will I be able to deliver? Stay with me to find out.