£1,000 Capital Gains in 2025 – My Investment Strategy
It’s taken some time but I am eventually in a position where I have nearly £20k available to invest. It is a great feeling and just in case I have not made myself clear...
It’s taken some time but I am eventually in a position where I have nearly £20k available to invest. It is a great feeling and just in case I have not made myself clear...
The Investment Strategy I devised back in January 2021 needs fine tuning. With a goal in mind of a 5% growth, I made the reasoned decision at the time to allocate all future Free...
Recent increases in interest rates by the Bank of England are bad news for mortgage payers but good news for savers. The race is on and there are a number of financial institutions offering...
No question in my mind that all of you fellow free money makers have noticed already, but just in case, I needed to point out that I have not made any deposits into my...
Tax Free Returns via Individual Savings Accounts (ISAs) The Free Cash Fund is growing away from the Free Money Pot. That is Free Money out of and on top of Free Money. Is it...
Am I better off saving or paying-off my mortgage? Is it a good financial decision to pay-off your mortgage early? How much can I save if I repay my mortgage? All these are perfectly...
Are you on a low income? Do you find yourself with no money left after monthly outgoings? Do you find it hard to budget? All of these scenarios are by no means strange to...
Surprised and pleased by the news I got from my accountant. Contrary to my expectation, I received a tax refund. It seems that I have paid too much tax over the last year, and...
My Plan is coming to fruition and working as expected in two ways: I am building a Free Money Pot and I have also created the basic foundation for the free cash streams to...
Bank Rewards / Cashback & Rebates / eBay & Casual Sales / Freebies / Investing for Growth / Promotions
What would the Objectives for 2021 be in terms of Free Cash and what sort of Plan is going to bring me Home? I will try to answer these questions in this post. Past...