February 2021 Free Cash Earnings Report £196 Free Money

Bank rewards and interests: £7

  • Barclays Blue Rewards: £8
  • Co-op Rewards: £0 (direct debits did not go through)
  • Santander 123 Bank Account Interest: -£1 (£4 rewards -£5 fee)

Facebook Marketplace Sales: £160

  • Oak table and Chairs: £140
  • Garden Bird Bath Ornament: £20

eBay Sales: £22

  • Ochre Curtains: £8
  • Laptop Docking Station: £6
  • Navy Blue Curtains: £8

Freebies: £7

February Total: £196 (+£112 over monthly target)

£702 remaining to Year End Objective.

Bank Perks & InterestsFreebiesSalesTotal

MonthFree Cash+/- Monthly TargetAccumulativeRemaining to YE Objective

Great month in terms of sales with a whooping £182 worth of clatter being found a new home. Not particularly good in terms of bank rewards. Some of my Co-op direct debits did not go through, and as a result, I did not reach the minimum of four to qualify for the reward. On top of it, and for the first time, fees outweighed rewards on my Santander Bank account leaving a -£1 balance. Santander is cutting interests from 0.6% to 0.3% which is definitely not helping. Time to ditch it? I will gather some figures and make my decision shortly. What is for sure is that my bank accounts are in need of a tidying up. I will outline my Plan on future posts.

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