January 2025 Free Money Earnings Report £336

Free Money Earnings: £243
Free Cash Fund Gains: £52
Stoozing Fund Profits: £41

January 2025 Free Money Earnings
Bank Rewards: £25
- Santander Lite Bank Account: £9
- Halifax 1 Reward Account: £5
- Halifax 2 Reward Account: £5
- RBS My Rewards: £3
- Natwest My Rewards: £3
Decluttering Sales: £163
- Womens Top: £13
- Car Magazine: £4
- Bath Scales: £17
- XBOX One Game Console: £74
- OLIVETTI Lightcart ETP 55 Typewriter Ribbon Cartridge: £8
- TomTom Sat Nav System: £25
- Mini Boombox: £22
Interest on Savings: £7
- Personal savings accounts: £7
Cashback: £48
- HSBC credit card cashback offer: £48

Month | Free Money Earnings | +/- Monthly Target (£125) | Accumulative | to Year End Objective (£1,500) |
January | £243 | +£118 | £243 | £1,257 |
Strong start in 2025 collecting £243 Free Money in January. You might have noticed that the Cash4Nothing Blog is evolving from its original concept of just capturing my methods of gathering free money using a variety of sources. After having reached the £10k milestone, I can now reap profits from two additional passive income revenue streams: a) gains from the Free Cash Fund and, b) profits from the Stoozing Fund. Both funds are appreciating in value at a pace of £40 to £50 each per month. These contributions are significant enough for them to be on the record, so from now on, I will be tracking them on a monthly basis alongside Free Money Earnings. I am aiming for £1,000 just from capital gains in 2025 (see post £1,000 Capital Gains in 2025 – My Investment Strategy), and £93 (£52 + £41) is in alignment with expectations.
Bank Rewards. £25 from utilities direct debits cashback and cash perks. Moving money around in an automatic standing order loop is as close as it gets to passive income. Coming to think of it, I am netting at least £100 per month from passive sources which in turn have originated from Free Money out of nothing. Interesting thread worth exploring at some point.
Interest on Savings. I am starting afresh again and have (almost) no personal savings. I need to meet certain saving goals which are not part of my Cash4Nothing Journey. I am asking for £100 in this department for the whole of 2025. I am £7 in the positive and hence need another £93 to make it happen. Doable as long as I keep around £2,000 in savings as soon as for as long as. I am halfway there.
Cashback. I assumed the promo had finished, but around the 15th, HSBC credited my account with £48 cashback as a result of my spending activity with my HSBC credit card. As a reminder, I received a promo email back in October 2024 by which I was entitled to 10% cashback for purchases on groceries, fuel and UK travel for 3 months. I did my bit of spending in December 2024 and true to their word, they rewarded me accordingly. Many thanks.

Decluttering Sales. Decent sales numbers in January. I sold 7 items for a £163 profit. Assuming 15 minutes of my time per item (list and pack), that is a £93 hourly rate. I am ok with that. I am doing something different this year which is creating a record of all my sales in a separate page. As a result, the £500 Decluttering Challenge has been launched to be immediately followed by the great news of the gap being reduced to £337. I am updating the page as soon as an item is sold capturing photographic evidence of the transaction, sale price and profit after fees and postage cost. I hope this effort is found inspiring and entertaining. At least that is the idea. Enjoy.
£336 as a combined income from all my Free Money streams is an encouraging sign. Momentum is my side but my hope is that compound interest gains will eventually dwarf any ‘active’ efforts on my end to make Free Money. The seeds are sown and the events are slowly unfolding as planned. I am really excited about the coming months. Stay with me to find out.