August 2024 Free Money Earnings Report £60

Bank Rewards: £18

  • Santander Lite Bank Account: £4
  • Halifax Reward Account: £5
  • Barclays Blue Rewards: £3
  • RBS My Rewards: £3
  • Natwest My Rewards: £3

Interest on Savings: £14

  • RBS Regular Saver: £7
  • Natwest Regular Saver: £7

Cashback: £5

  • Casual purchases: £5

Freebies: £23

  • Sports sweep: £23

MonthFree Money Earnings+/- Monthly Target (£125)Accumulativeto Year End Objective (£1,500)
January £219+£94£219£1,281

£60 Free Money in August 2024. Lowest monthly earnings in 2024 as numbers show. Hardly a surprise bearing in mind that it was a one third ‘active’ month for me as I was on holiday. It has been traditionally the case that July and August are quiet months where I rely on the most passive income streams. In this sense, there is not a lot to report actually.

Bank rewards. £18 is a given as a status quo. Bank perks have been timely credited from my nominated accounts. I have opted back into a £5 monthly reward with my second Halifax account from the first of September. All I would need to do is to credit the account with £1,500 per month and spend £500 with the linked debit card. It should not be a problem at all. On the flip side, Barclays announced that it will stop the cash reward as of September. One for the other I suppose but I should be expecting £20 instead of £18 as a baseline figure. I see it as a positive.

Interest on Savings. £14 pounds. Steady pace. I am planning on keeping these two Savings Accounts until the end of the year and contribute to both with a fix monthly sum. They should be yielding £60-£70 in the four remaining months of the year. As of 2025, a clean slate.

Cashback. A fiver as cashback from two casual purchases matured. It could have been nothing but it was something. I am looking at £402 (and growing) from cashback alone in 2024. Always sure Free Money for me.

Freebies. Last but not least, I got a little bit of luck and managed to win some money off a sports sweep I was invited to participate. Alongside £23 Free Money, this 2024 Euro Cup will always bring extremely happy memories to me. What a tournament!

£1,321 in the pocket and £179 more to go. I have met my objectives for two out of six Free Money streams. Is it still possible to make £2,000 in 2024 and reach the £10,000 milestone in the Free Money Fund? I am going to give myself a chance.

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