August 2021 Free Cash Earnings Report £147 Free Money

Bank Rewards & Interests: £15

• Barclays Blue Rewards: £8
• Co-op: £1
• Natwest My Rewards: £3
• Santander Lite Bank Account: £3

Interests over Savings: £45

• Moneybox General Investment Account £2,000 Emergency Fund: £45

Cashback: £10

• Courier services: £10

Freebies: £65

• Paypal dormant account: £65

eBay Sales: £12

• Spray painter: £12

August Total: £147 (+£63 over monthly target);

£1,405 above year target.

Bank RewardsInterest on SavingsCashback Freebies SalesTotal
£1510%£4529%£107% £65 46%£128%£147
MonthFree Cash Earnings+/- to Monthly Target (£84)Accumulativeto Year End Objective (£1,000)
July £104 +£20 £2,258 +£1,258
August £147 +£63 £2,405 +£1,405

August has traditionally been a low performing month for me. The fact that I took a 3 week break did not make me feel very confident in changing the trend either. Sales went on a dive and it was not until the 29th that I managed to sell a spray painter for a £12 profit on eBay. Not a lot to show for it but a profit is a profit.

Bank rewards keep coming in on autopilot. On a different note, the Co-op Bank issued a notice some time back to let me know that they will be reducing their reward from £2 to £1 from August 2021. Truthful to their promises, they delivered. As a result, I experienced a 50% reward cut. Should I be bothered with them? Probably not but I will keep it as is for the time being until they take the reward away in its entirety. I also missed my £3 reward from RBS due to the direct debit reshuffling. This should be the last month and I will be expecting a continuous drip feed of £18+ from now on.

Quidco paid me £10 cashback from my side hustle. I am collecting a small amount from every parcel I send. It seems that I am sending quite a few by the looks of it. All things remaining the same, it is on the way to qualify as another passive income addition. I have nearly £20 tracked cashback that will mature over the coming weeks.

I managed to save another grand for my Emergency Fund. I have now £2,000 sitting in my General Investment Moneybox Account for a rainy day. In addition to this, the app rounds up and tips the account based on transactions from all my other banks accounts. I keep track of the interest accrued only and that constitutes the Free Money addition into the pot. That being said, I had to check the figures twice as I was not entirely sure the numbers were correct. Indeed they are and I have a £45 growth due to interest just in one month. Nice.

Last but not least, I happened to come by a £65 freebie that was sitting in a dormant Paypal account I had forgotten all about (see post). That really brought a smile to my face. Somehow, I create a mental picture of a younger version of myself handing over a tip to an older D. I really don’t need to be selfish.

All in all, £2,555 in the Fund meaning £150 Interest Free Money on top of the £2,405 Free Money Pot, a 6% increase in just 8 months… and best of all, Tax Free. On this note, I managed to find the right IFISA account after a little bit of research. I will elaborate on a future post. Stay tuned.

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