January 2022 Free Cash Earnings Report £132 Free Money
Bank Rewards & Interests: £21
- Barclays Blue Rewards: £8
- RBS My Rewards: £3
- Natwest My Rewards: £3
- Santander Lite Bank Account: £7
Cashback: £49
- Car Insurance Switch: £42
- Courier Services: £14
eBay Sales: £62
- Tennis Racquet: £42.
- Car Magazine: £2.
- Kids glasses: £8.
- Desktop Computer Memory Module: £10
January 2022 Total: £132 (+£32 above £100 monthly target);
£1,068 to £1,200 year target.
Bank Rewards | Cashback | Sales | Total | |||
£21 | 16% | £49 | 37% | £62 | 47% | £132 |
Month | Free Cash Earnings | +/- Monthly Target (£100) | Accumulative | to Year End Objective (£1,200) |
January 2022 | £132 | +£32 | £132 | £1,068 |
A good start of 2022. £132 Free Money Earnings in January 2022 is a motivation booster for me for two important reasons. First, I did absolutely nothing to collect this money. Second, I surpassed my revised monthly earnings target of £100 with ease (see post How to make £1,200 Free Money in 2022 – My Plan & Objectives). Other than packing and dropping four parcels off, I really have had no time left to allocate to any free money earning activities. In all fairness, all I have been doing is reaping the benefits from seeds I sowed some time ago.
No changes as regards to Bank Rewards. My 6-month water bill was debited on my Santander Bank Account providing me with an additional earning of £4 on top of the usual monthly £3 cashback over utility bills. A healthy Passive Income £21 Free Cash Profit for nothing other than automatically moving money around. Always my kind of deal.
A pleasant surprise from TopCashback brought by a swift £42 payment as a result of switching car insurance back in November 2021 (see post Car Insurance Switch £150 Saving + £42 Cashback). I did not need to wait for months for the transaction to mature into payable status as it is more often than not the case. Incredibly easy money to make on top of a substantial saving. It will be an absolute waste not to take advantage of it.
Needless to say that every online purchase I need to complete, I transact it through a cashback website. No matter how minuscule the cashback payment. Assuming that I collect an average of 10p for every parcel I dispatch, I must have sent 70 in a short period of time. Not my intention to focus on my side hustle but my point is that every little adds up into a relevant enough sum. I am going to keep sending parcels regardless, so I might as well collect a small earning every time I do so. It does pay off, doesn’t it?
Clutter, clutter and more clutter. Never ending supply and a continuous source of Free Money from the least likely candidates. I sold one of my tennis racquets (in a really decent condition by the way), a car magazine, a second pair of kids glasses and a RAM Memory module for a total of £62 net profit. All of them items had been listed on my eBay Shop for no longer than a month. Apologies for repeating myself, but every single time I make a sale I do feel the same level of excitement as if it was my first one ever. As for the surprising factor at the things I flog for a nice chunk of money, it keeps growing by the day. I will never get tired of it. Just love it too much.
I need to make £1,068 more Free Money from now until the end of 2022 to deliver on my £1,200 Year Target. Early days yet but I’d much rather prefer to have a head start in January 2022 than not. Peaks and throughs in the earnings profile are to be expected, however, the sooner I cut myself some slack the better. I have loads Free Money tasks for February. Free Money is not drying up meaning that I will not be running out of blogging materials for a very long while. Stay tuned.