This Blog is about my Story into re-building my Free Money Fund from £0 (it used to be £22,750 -sniff, sniff-). My goal is not to preach or lecture about what needs to be done. On the contrary, my goal is to grow my Free Cash Fund (FCF) back and to share my progress every step of the way. I will exemplify my methods to gain extra free cash by means of just doing it. From maximising bank rewards and switching incentives, to using 0% interest free money, decluttering and getting cashback for every day purchases.
I am not expecting for you, my fellow reader, to follow my steps, but I am definitely hoping that you might be able to pick up some hints and tips along the way to round up your income effortlessly, and more importantly, for free. If I can do it, then anyone else can.
What this Blog IS about…
- My journey into the known unknown as I am starting afresh.
- A collection of tried and tested money making ideas and methods that mostly require little or no effort whatsoever.
- A practical hands-on approach about how to extract cash from regular life events.
- A detailed and documented record of my progress over time and the decisions made along the way.
- A platform for myself to express my views and feelings about money matters. I do not expect everyone to agree/disagree with me.
What this Blog IS NOT about…
- This is not a get rich quick guide.
- This is not a show off/boasting exercise about my financial feats.
- This is not a list of side hustles. Even though some ideas shown can evolve and be developed in that way, it is not my intention to create an additional workload for myself and I am neither encouraging nor discouraging others to do so.
- This is not a recipe or a compendium of techniques and routines that must be followed by the letter in order to deliver a certain result. My intention is to exemplify and present my cases so that you and others can get some benefit from them.
- This is not a money spinner for me (the author), a well thought business case or a corporate enterprise with a solid plan to obtain a return on investment. I do not hold any expectation (financial or otherwise) other than sharing my journey with you. My only motivation is to tell my story and find common ground with other like-minded individuals (such as potentially yourself). Hopefully, it will inspire you and others or just illustrate a similar experience they can relate to. On the other hand, and let’s not be cynical, any financial reward at the end of the road will be welcome. So if you are in a position to make a small donation or allow me to sponsor you along the way, I would really appreciate it.