July 2024 Free Money Earnings Report £96

Bank Rewards: £23

  • Santander Lite Bank Account: £9
  • Halifax Reward Account: £5
  • Barclays Blue Rewards: £3
  • RBS My Rewards: £3
  • Natwest My Rewards: £3

Interest on Savings: £12

  • RBS Regular Saver: £6
  • Natwest Regular Saver: £6

Decluttering Sales: £20

  • Car Magazine: £2
  • Bathroom Scales: £6
  • Tennis balls: £12

Cashback: £41

  • AMEX Credit Card Cashback: £41

MonthFree Money Earnings+/- Monthly Target (£125)Accumulativeto Year End Objective (£1,500)
January £219+£94£219£1,281

£96 Free Money in July 2024. Not bad at all considering that I am away enjoying my summer break. Second month on the trough below £125 target this time round just short by £29. £1,261 made and only 239 away from £1,500. It is happening. Once again.

Bank rewards. A jump from £18 to £23 thanks to extra cashback credited in my Santander Account as a result of utilities direct debits. It happens every six months in January and July and I usually get and extra fiver. I just need another £68 to meet £200 target. I am expecting to be there by November.

Interest on Savings. £12 pounds only. I have depleted my savings to pay for holidays and that reflects in lower takings. I doubt I will making the additional £75 I need in five months. A little bit of an ask if I want to place myself over £150 for the year.

Decluttering Sales. Three items sold produced a £20 profit. A car magazine, an old bathroom scales and a bunch of used tennis balls. £434 from my clutter so far. I just need £66 for a round £500. Fresh stuff for sale is coming. I am pretty much there.

Cashback. £41 cashback from my AMEX credit card. Highest takings in a single month. I doubt I can keep up this level of spending so I am enjoying the ride for as long as it lasts (see post How to make £250+ Cashback from an American Express Platinum Credit Card).

Not much time to write I am afraid as I am not around for nearly a month. As I explained a number of times throughout this blog, this is a medium/long term game where decent gains will materialize around the time of reaching 5 figures sums. With a little bit of luck, I will be really close to £10K by the end of the year. For now, allow me to sip my cocktail away by the pool. Cheers.

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